Clean room

BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus established state of the art facilities for Micro and Nano semiconductor device fabrication and characterization. The size of clean room is 600 sq. f and 80% of it is maintained as (ISO 6) class 1000 and the rest is class 100 (ISO 5). Complete class 100 area covered with yellow light and dedicated for Lithography process. 

Extension of the Clean room is also going on.....

Mask Aligner EMA 400

Mask Aligner EMA 400


Mask aligner is a UV exposure system, it exposes on to a photosensitive film through a chrome-plated mask, it transfers a mask pattern on to the substrate

Technical specifications:

Best resolution: 2µm 

Mask size: 5-inch dia.

Sample size: up to 4-inch dia.

U V lamp Power: 250 watts.

 Substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.

Spin Coater


The thin film from nm range to mm can be spin coat using Spin Coating equipment on a flat substrate. The thickness of film or material depends on spin speed and the viscosity of the dropping material

Technical specifications:

Spin speed      :  upto 8000 rpm.

Substrate size :  15 mm diameter.

 Substrates allowed:

All sorts of plan substrates allowed. (should withstand high speed)


Resist coating on plan substrates.

PDMS and PPA coating on PET sheets.

Wet chemical work station


The wet station is made up of PP material and it is inert to all sorts for wet chemicals. The station has two compartments, one dedicated for Si wafer cleaning process (RCA) and other part used for general purpose like resist development and removal, acetone, IPA, polymer process and other solvent process. The equipment is placed in clean room having class 100 cleanliness.

 List of chemicals allowed:

Acetone, IPA, NH4OH, HCL, HF, H2O2, H2O, BHF, TMAH, HNA, Resists, developers and strippers.

Substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.

 Technical specifications:

Working area dimensions: 2000mm X1000 mm X900 mm and closing slash.

Laminar flow dynamics with FFU and HEPA filers 99.99%.

Room Humidity is maintained 50% +/- 2 and Temperature around 20 +/- 2.

General exhaust is available to remove fumes during process.

U. V. Exposure System


System used for material curing and level one lithography without alignment. Photo resist or light sensitive materials exposed to U V light, it may be become dissolve or harder in chemical solution and it depend on nature of the material.

Technical specifications:

Exposure area         : 100 mm X 200 mm.

Wave length range : 350 nm to 450 nm.

Substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.


U V curing process.

Level one lithography process.

Diffusion Furnace



The high temperature and atmosphere pressure quartz furnaces mainly used for oxidation on Si wafer and annealing metal contacts in inert gas or forming gas. The system has two zone and each zone has two tubes. These four tubes are dedicated for oxidation, N2 annealing, Ar annealing and non-semiconductors samples respectively.

Technical specifications:

Maximum temperature        : upto 1000 °C.

Temperature accuracy        : +/- 5 °C.

Hot zone length                   : 300 mm.

Inner diameter of the tube   : 75 mm.

List of substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.

Gases allowed:N2, O2 and Ar.



·         Dry oxidation process.

·         N2/Ar annealing process.

·         O2 annealing Process

·         Ceramic materials annealing process

RF Sputter system


Oxide materials like SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3 and etc. can be deposit on plane substrate using RF sputter system. Base vacuum 1×10-6 mbar can be achieved in 45 min time by turbo Pump. Plasma generation and deposition in 99.99% pure Argon environment at pressure 5×10-2 mbar.

Technical specifications:

RF Power: 300W

Substrate size: Small samples to 4-inch dia.  can be loaded.

Target size: 3-inch dia. with copper back plate

Sample should be plane

Gases: O2, Ar and N2

Thickness to be deposit up to 250 nm.

 Substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.


Oxide deposition on semiconductor and non-semiconductor substrates.

Thermal and E-beam Evaporator



Metal as a film can be deposit on semiconductors and non-semiconductors substrate using electron bean evaporator system. The deposition normally done at very good vacuum (1×10-6 mbar: base pressure) for good ohmic contacts.


Technical specifications:

 E beam gun power: 3 KW.

 Base vacuum: 1×10-6 mbar


Substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.



Metal deposition on semiconductor and non-semiconductor substrates.

Reactive ion etching system


Reactive ion etch process is a dry etch process. It removes silicon material from exposed/ unwanted area by fluorine chemistry.  Etch depth is up to 1 µm.

Technical specifications:

Base vacuum: 1×10-4 mbar

RF Power: 300W

Substrate size: Small samples to 4-inch dia.  can be loaded.

Sample should be flat

Etch depth: up to 1 µm


O2, Ar, CHF3 and N2



Device isolation

Micro depth channels etch with vertical profiles

Sample cleaning for 2 D material

Resist etching and sample preparation


Substrates allowed:

Si, Quartz, GaAs, Ge, Al2O2, SiC and other substrates on request.

Probe station with source measure unit


Probe station with source measure unit used for electrical measurements on semiconductor devices. Electrical current response from a device while sweeping the voltage from -10 V to 10 V at different frequency range will help to understand the device characteristics. I-V and C-V measurements can be done using the Probe station.


Technical specifications:

Source measure unit details required.

Substrates allowed:

No restriction.

Bruker Profilometer



2D line profile with scan length up to 5 mm can be measured. Step height on plane substrate up to 1 mm can be measure with a vertical resolution 0.1 nm.


Technical specifications:

Tip Dia. : 2 µm.

Software available to level the data and measure parameters like surface roughness, rms, avg. roughness and film stress.

Sample Size: 0.5 X 0.5 inch to 4 X 4 inch can be placed and thickness up to 5 mm.

Tubular Furnace


The high temperature and atmosphere pressure alumina furnaces mainly used for oxidation on Si wafer and annealing metal contacts in inert gas or forming gas. The system has two zones and each zones and each zone has two tubes. These four tubes are dedicated for Oxidation, N2 annealing, Ar annealing and non-semiconductors samples respectively.

Technical specifications:

Temperature range: up to 1000°C

Temperature accuracy: +/- 5°C

Hot zone: 15 cm

Tube diameter: 75 mm

Ramp up: 7°C/min

Heating method: Resistive

Number of tubes: 4



Oxide deposition (nm to µm) on Silicon or other semiconductor substrates. The thickness of film and the quality of oxide can be measured simultaneously using film measurement tool.

Technical specifications:

Spectrometer range: 200 nm to 800 nm

Measurement range: 1 nm - 80 µm